
Before shipping – please follow these steps:

1: Have your mechanic remove the DPF and then remove any sensors attached to the DPF.

(DPFs are more technical to remove than your typical filter).

2: Package the DPF

3: Notify TNT 13 11 50 that the item needs to be picked up (we have an account with TNT)

4: Fill out the con-Note (supplied by the TNT driver)
Sender: Your address
Receiver: Western Filters
Address: 45 Forge Street, Blacktown NSW 2148
Attention: Derek | T: (02) 98311715
Centimetres (cm): Length / Width / Height
Kilograms (kg): Weight
Freight charges: To be paid by Receiver
Account to be charged: Western Filters – 21739088
Marked: Road Express If overnight IS TICKED, CUSTOMER WILL BE CHARGED the difference.

5: Kept in the loop:
Western Filters will keep yourself or your mechanic informed
every step of the way (once notified of the DPF having been picked-up).

6: Before and After Report:
On arrival at Western Filters, your DPF will be analysed and cleaned to a
very high standard using the latest technology. A ‘Before & After Report’ will be generated.

7: DPF Test Failures:
If your DPF fails any test or stage of the process Western Filters will immediately notify you.

8: Payment on Completion:
We will contact you to arrange payment once the DPF is ready to be despatched back to you or your mechanic.

9: DPF Reinstallation:
Please ensure that your mechanic follows the vehicles DPF reinstallation procedures
(see enclosed ‘Reinstalation Procedure’ flyer for reinstallation of DPFs).

10: Replacement DPFs also on sale:
High quality, fully Synthetic Oils and Filters to suit most vehicles.